Anshlag na Spivakova bil polniy, bileti mi za 2 mesyaca pokupali. Udovol'stviya - more. Dlya detey toje est' vsyakie meropriyatiya, no hotelos' bo pobol'she. Yazik russkiy teryat' ne hochetsya. Hotya oni u menya ochen' horosho govoryat, no vot ved' v shkolu poydut i togda budet slojnee. Hotya pravilo u nas jeleznoe - doma tol'ko na russkom govorim. V odnom iz pozdnih svoih pisem G. Struve, chto etu tochku zreniya razdelala A.V. Tyrkova otvetila na anketu ob Anglii dlya sobiravshei arhivy emigracii.
I've never made anything with AutoIt but tomorrow I'll try to decompile/disassemble the exe and see if I can figure out what folder path is causing the error. Running the program as admin or disabling anti virus hasn't helped anyone (myself included) because it doesn't seem to be a permissions issue. I have no idea what folder path it is, but I have one machine that doesn't get the error and one that does. From what I can dig up it has something to do with a certain hard-coded folder path not having any files in it.
Lsepjkmv 23.11.17 04:29 selling on gofake acc. Evtojufo 23.11.17 04:28 who the fuck??? Wzirjawg 23.11.17 01:37 and it may be enough to get the scoreboard?
Anshlag na Spivakova bil polniy, bileti mi za 2 mesyaca pokupali. Udovol\'stviya - more. Dlya detey toje est\' vsyakie meropriyatiya, no hotelos\' bo pobol\'she. Yazik russkiy teryat\' ne hochetsya. Hotya oni u menya ochen\' horosho govoryat, no vot ved\' v shkolu poydut i togda budet slojnee. Hotya pravilo u nas jeleznoe - doma tol\'ko na russkom govorim. V odnom iz pozdnih svoih pisem G. Struve, chto etu tochku zreniya razdelala A.V. Tyrkova otvetila na anketu ob Anglii dlya sobiravshei arhivy emigracii.
I\'ve never made anything with AutoIt but tomorrow I\'ll try to decompile/disassemble the exe and see if I can figure out what folder path is causing the error. Running the program as admin or disabling anti virus hasn\'t helped anyone (myself included) because it doesn\'t seem to be a permissions issue. I have no idea what folder path it is, but I have one machine that doesn\'t get the error and one that does. From what I can dig up it has something to do with a certain hard-coded folder path not having any files in it.
Lsepjkmv 23.11.17 04:29 selling on gofake acc. Evtojufo 23.11.17 04:28 who the fuck??? Wzirjawg 23.11.17 01:37 and it may be enough to get the scoreboard?
...'>Antrag Dlya Pozdnih Pereselencev Na Russkom(24.12.2018)Anshlag na Spivakova bil polniy, bileti mi za 2 mesyaca pokupali. Udovol\'stviya - more. Dlya detey toje est\' vsyakie meropriyatiya, no hotelos\' bo pobol\'she. Yazik russkiy teryat\' ne hochetsya. Hotya oni u menya ochen\' horosho govoryat, no vot ved\' v shkolu poydut i togda budet slojnee. Hotya pravilo u nas jeleznoe - doma tol\'ko na russkom govorim. V odnom iz pozdnih svoih pisem G. Struve, chto etu tochku zreniya razdelala A.V. Tyrkova otvetila na anketu ob Anglii dlya sobiravshei arhivy emigracii.
I\'ve never made anything with AutoIt but tomorrow I\'ll try to decompile/disassemble the exe and see if I can figure out what folder path is causing the error. Running the program as admin or disabling anti virus hasn\'t helped anyone (myself included) because it doesn\'t seem to be a permissions issue. I have no idea what folder path it is, but I have one machine that doesn\'t get the error and one that does. From what I can dig up it has something to do with a certain hard-coded folder path not having any files in it.
Lsepjkmv 23.11.17 04:29 selling on gofake acc. Evtojufo 23.11.17 04:28 who the fuck??? Wzirjawg 23.11.17 01:37 and it may be enough to get the scoreboard?
...'>Antrag Dlya Pozdnih Pereselencev Na Russkom(24.12.2018)