Plot The series mainly revolves around the sport of Association football (soccer). The story focuses on the adventures of a Japanese youth soccer team and its football/soccer captain Tsubasa Oozora (大空 翼), whose name literally translates to “Big Sky Wings”. The series is characterized by dynamic football moves, often stylish and implausible.
The plot focuses on Tsubasa’s relationship with his friends, rivalry with his opponents, training, competition, and the action and outcome of each football match. Description Captain Tsubasa is a soccer game which was released by Tecmo in Japan in 1998. About the English translation This is an unofficial Captain Tsubasa Fan Translation (English v1.5) made. This project started from Lestat translation made in 1998. All players and team names, match intros, special move names etc. Are in English. Trafaret zebra dlya pisjma a4 linii.
Some names were shortened due to small text spaces. Demos and commentary are still untranslated.
Buat yang bosen main game sepakbola atau emang nggak jago main PES, game ini bisa jadi pilihan untuk Download Game Captain Tsubasa untuk PC karena pengendaliannya termasuk gampang. Download Captain Tsubasa • Playstation 2 Isos @ The Iso Zone • The Ultimate Retro Gaming Resource.
Totally playable.
#Nb: Tips setting Cara Agar Game PS2 berjalan lancar cepat tidak lambat, lemot, lag dan patah-patah pada Emulator PS2 klik Config - VideoGS - Core GS Setting pilih Speedhacks lalu centang pada Enable Speedhacks klik apply dan klik Config lagi pilih Emulation Settings centang Preset lalu Apply OK. Namun jika game masih berjalan lambat mungkin disebabkan oleh spesifikasi PC/Laptop yang tidak memenuhi syarat untuk bisa menjalankan Emulator PS2. Jadi pastikan dahulu spesifikasi PC/Laptop sobat sebelum menginstal Emulator PS2.
#Nb: Untuk mengatur control di PCSX2 baik itu menggunakan keyboard maupun joystick bisa di menu konfigurasi lalu pilih Controllers (PAD) dan untuk joystick pastikan sudah dicolok terlebih dahulu sebelum akan di setting. #Nb: Jika ingin sukses menginstal Emulator PCSX2 jangan lupa untuk Download BIOS nya juga bisa melalui alternative link.
Kalau PSCX2 masih tidak bisa dijalankan juga maka cobalah untuk instal microsoft visual c++ dan Directx yang terbaru.
Plot The series mainly revolves around the sport of Association football (soccer). The story focuses on the adventures of a Japanese youth soccer team and its football/soccer captain Tsubasa Oozora (大空 翼), whose name literally translates to “Big Sky Wings”. The series is characterized by dynamic football moves, often stylish and implausible.
The plot focuses on Tsubasa’s relationship with his friends, rivalry with his opponents, training, competition, and the action and outcome of each football match. Description Captain Tsubasa is a soccer game which was released by Tecmo in Japan in 1998. About the English translation This is an unofficial Captain Tsubasa Fan Translation (English v1.5) made. This project started from Lestat translation made in 1998. All players and team names, match intros, special move names etc. Are in English. Trafaret zebra dlya pisjma a4 linii.
Some names were shortened due to small text spaces. Demos and commentary are still untranslated.
Buat yang bosen main game sepakbola atau emang nggak jago main PES, game ini bisa jadi pilihan untuk Download Game Captain Tsubasa untuk PC karena pengendaliannya termasuk gampang. Download Captain Tsubasa • Playstation 2 Isos @ The Iso Zone • The Ultimate Retro Gaming Resource.
Totally playable.
#Nb: Tips setting Cara Agar Game PS2 berjalan lancar cepat tidak lambat, lemot, lag dan patah-patah pada Emulator PS2 klik Config - VideoGS - Core GS Setting pilih Speedhacks lalu centang pada Enable Speedhacks klik apply dan klik Config lagi pilih Emulation Settings centang Preset lalu Apply OK. Namun jika game masih berjalan lambat mungkin disebabkan oleh spesifikasi PC/Laptop yang tidak memenuhi syarat untuk bisa menjalankan Emulator PS2. Jadi pastikan dahulu spesifikasi PC/Laptop sobat sebelum menginstal Emulator PS2.
#Nb: Untuk mengatur control di PCSX2 baik itu menggunakan keyboard maupun joystick bisa di menu konfigurasi lalu pilih Controllers (PAD) dan untuk joystick pastikan sudah dicolok terlebih dahulu sebelum akan di setting. #Nb: Jika ingin sukses menginstal Emulator PCSX2 jangan lupa untuk Download BIOS nya juga bisa melalui alternative link.
Kalau PSCX2 masih tidak bisa dijalankan juga maka cobalah untuk instal microsoft visual c++ dan Directx yang terbaru.
...'>Game Captain Tsubasa Ps2 For Pc Tanpa Emulator Zone(15.02.2019)Plot The series mainly revolves around the sport of Association football (soccer). The story focuses on the adventures of a Japanese youth soccer team and its football/soccer captain Tsubasa Oozora (大空 翼), whose name literally translates to “Big Sky Wings”. The series is characterized by dynamic football moves, often stylish and implausible.
The plot focuses on Tsubasa’s relationship with his friends, rivalry with his opponents, training, competition, and the action and outcome of each football match. Description Captain Tsubasa is a soccer game which was released by Tecmo in Japan in 1998. About the English translation This is an unofficial Captain Tsubasa Fan Translation (English v1.5) made. This project started from Lestat translation made in 1998. All players and team names, match intros, special move names etc. Are in English. Trafaret zebra dlya pisjma a4 linii.
Some names were shortened due to small text spaces. Demos and commentary are still untranslated.
Buat yang bosen main game sepakbola atau emang nggak jago main PES, game ini bisa jadi pilihan untuk Download Game Captain Tsubasa untuk PC karena pengendaliannya termasuk gampang. Download Captain Tsubasa • Playstation 2 Isos @ The Iso Zone • The Ultimate Retro Gaming Resource.
Totally playable.
#Nb: Tips setting Cara Agar Game PS2 berjalan lancar cepat tidak lambat, lemot, lag dan patah-patah pada Emulator PS2 klik Config - VideoGS - Core GS Setting pilih Speedhacks lalu centang pada Enable Speedhacks klik apply dan klik Config lagi pilih Emulation Settings centang Preset lalu Apply OK. Namun jika game masih berjalan lambat mungkin disebabkan oleh spesifikasi PC/Laptop yang tidak memenuhi syarat untuk bisa menjalankan Emulator PS2. Jadi pastikan dahulu spesifikasi PC/Laptop sobat sebelum menginstal Emulator PS2.
#Nb: Untuk mengatur control di PCSX2 baik itu menggunakan keyboard maupun joystick bisa di menu konfigurasi lalu pilih Controllers (PAD) dan untuk joystick pastikan sudah dicolok terlebih dahulu sebelum akan di setting. #Nb: Jika ingin sukses menginstal Emulator PCSX2 jangan lupa untuk Download BIOS nya juga bisa melalui alternative link.
Kalau PSCX2 masih tidak bisa dijalankan juga maka cobalah untuk instal microsoft visual c++ dan Directx yang terbaru.
...'>Game Captain Tsubasa Ps2 For Pc Tanpa Emulator Zone(15.02.2019)